Trading Re-Imagined, Re-Training The Brain
Some traders come to find that despite being familiar with winning strategies, and having the ability to be consistently green, they still struggle. If you should fall into this category, welcome, your answer lies ahead. You will need to understand what is really going on. You will need to be mentally aware, that you are mentally aware. Only then can you embrace the solution.
If your mind isn’t programmed to succeed, your trading will be affected. Success in trading is largely dependent on the psychological state of mind. Trading is a performance oriented discipline. Anxiety, stress, and mental pressures can affect the ability to function properly and negatively impact the bottom line. Before trading on any given day you need to be in your special happy place. If you’re not, you are at risk of getting emotionally involved with your trades. That’s a recipe for disaster. If mind over matter isn’t exercised properly, the conscious mind can ruin your day, again and again by a process called self sabotage. If the minds eye can’t see and believe the plan on a subconscious level, the conscious mind will ignore your true desires through self preservation. Below are videos to help you understand your subconscious mind and it’s function in becoming a successful trader.
The Conscious and Subconscious Mind & How they work together
Darryl Cross - Self Sabotage
Mind Map: Self-Sabotage Patterns
Subconscious Sabotage Syndrome: What IS And How To Overcome
Brain Waves - Get Into The Optimal State To Achieve Your Goals
How To Activate The Law Of Attraction With Mind Power
How To Stop Negative Thinking And Programme The Subconscious For Success
Brain Waves - Get Into The Optimal State To Achieve Your Goals
How To Activate The Law Of Attraction With Mind Power
How To Stop Negative Thinking And Programme The Subconscious For Success
Subconscious Mind Control - The Fast & Effective Way
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
Stay Positive - train your mind. Here’s how...
How To Set Goals And Stay Motivated To Achieve Them (Part 1)
Setting Goals and Subconscious Mind Control (Part 2)
Colin Hiles 19K subscribers The Power Of Words - 4 Toxic Words That Kill Success
PROOF! Positive Affirmations Work!
The Law Of Attraction SUCKS!!!
Rewire & Evolve Your Brain - Dr. Joe Dispenza
How Your Brain Can Turn Anxiety into Calmness
Tony Robbins - What they dont teach you about FEAR
The difference between a Winner and a Loser - Tony Robbins
How to END financial self-sabotage | Inspirational!
The Subconscious Mind - How to Program the Subconscious Mind
What is Ego? How to Easily Identify and Bypass Ego
Ego - Ways Your Ego Mind Will Attempt to Destroy You
Mastering Your Emotions Part 1: Understanding Emotions
Mastering Your Emotions Part 2: How to Control Emotions
Mastering Your Emotions Part 3: Releasing Negative Human Emotions
Gut Instinct - Use Your Gut Instincts to Live a Magical Life
Dealing with Stress? Think Less.
Bob Proctor - The Subconscious Mind and How to Program it
Bob Proctor : How To Develop Your Higher Mind’s Faculties Paradigm Shift
The Amazing Power of Your Mind - A MUST SEE!
Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy
Mastering Uncertainty in Trading
Breaking Through to the Next Level
Achieving Confidence in Trading
Achieving Your Potential in Trading
Developing Success Based Mindset for Trading
Handling Your Emotions When There Are Trading Losses
Mastering Your Emotions in Trading
Developing Confidence as a Trader
Rande Howell 5K subscribers Using Your Mistakes to Develop Discipline
Developing Interior Discipline: the Inner Team Necessary for Trading
Oh So Close: The Anatomy of an Emotional Hijacking
Managing An Emotional Meltdown While Trading
Rande Howell 5K subscribers Unearthing the Hidden Beliefs that Hold Your Trading Prisoner
Managing Stress
Getting Control of Your Trading Mind
Managing Stress for Consistent Profitability
Why Effort is Never Enough
Blind Spots in the Mind‘s Eye that Sabotage a Trader’s Potential
Good Emotions Gone Bad
Rande Howell 5K subscribers Beyond Emotional Reactivity: Breaking the Patterns of Self-Sabotage
Mastering the Present Moment in Trading
- Train Your Brain Subliminally
- Subliminal Messages Of Text
- Subliminal Power Of Suggestion
- Suggestive Affirmations
- Thoughts Precede Matter
- Imagine It, To Receive It
- Subliminal Hypnotic Suggestion
- Exercise Mind Over Matter
- Positive Attitude = Positive Results
- Negative Surroundings = Neg. Thoughts
- Negative Thoughts = Negative Results
- Neg. Results = Unwanted Anxiety
- Unwanted Anxiety = Poor Trading
- Be Master Of Your Emotions
- Trading At Subconscious Level
- Program Subconscious How To Trade
- Subconscious Calculates Probabilities
- Subconscious Can Refuse Emotions
- Subconscious Guides Conscious Mind
- Bad Habits = Bad Subconscious Training
- You Can Fire Old One And Train New